Peter Torelli

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Stuff that I've made, stuff in progress, stuff about me, a place to call home

A Simple Logic Analyzer

In the process of building digital gadgets, sometimes I need debug help. Back in 2013 I had a problem with a fairly complex project, and I didn't want to spend the cash, so I made a really cheap one using some off the shelf parts. I only needed a few channels at a relatively low sampling rate. I also wanted to flex some Node.js and JavaScript (and CSS) muscle since I've been modernizing my skillset, so the Arduinolyzer was born. One of the cool side-effects of this project: I developed an incredibly useful serial console using Node.js that allows me more control than the both the Arduino IDE serial monitor and Unix command line tools. HTML5 and JavaScript have displaced my go-to debug combo of the past: Perl/Tk. Now on to bluetooth.